Deprecated Project

This project is deprecated. Use of it is likely no longer possible or discouraged.

Lithiio App
An app for Deprecated in favour of the web uploader.
deprecated lithiio


The project started around 21/11/2017, but was canceled due to the app not working in general.

The project was revived around 11/03/2018, within a day uploads were working. On the 16th, intents were added.

On 18/03/2018, the app was live on Google Play, with a really basic and ugly UI.

On 26/03/2018, the app was updated to include analytics and a new UI.

On 14/04/2018, the app was updated to include a history table.

On 25/05/2018, the app was updated to include a camera feature, and a settings page.

On 11/07/2018, the app was updated to include multi upload support via intents, and more privacy settings.

On 10/05/2021 the app was unpublished from the Google Play store, as the web uploader functionally achieves the same.


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