2 posts right now.

Leaving Twitter? Some things to consider.

Recently, many people have been (considering) leaving Twitter. Myself included, I rarely used the service and I don't like where the platform is headed, so I deleted my two accounts (one personal, one for my online identity.)

I've also taken two easy steps to prevent myself from ever visiting Twitter.

The first measure I took was installing Privacy Redirect. This addon redirects Twitter to a Nitter instance, allowing you to view the content without ever being nagged to sign up. It also has …

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Understanding Bitwise Operators In Lua

Note: This post was written several years ago and may no longer reflect the best practices for handling bitwise operators in Lua.
For a more modern and refined approach, check out Bitwise Operators in GLua by noaccessl.

Hey there! Back in September whilst I was working on my organisation system I had to …

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